Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Researchers assume, based on several dozen years of advanced work, that quantum technology will be commercially useful for businesses in 10-15 years’ future. Especially the areas of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and Big Data will profit greatly from this technology.

What Is Quantum Computing?

In computer science, quantum computing is the field that develops computing techniques based on the principles of quantum theory ( describes the behavior of energy and matter at the atomic and subatomic levels).

Today’s computers can only encode information in 1 or 0 bits, limiting their capabilities. However, Quantum computers use Quantum bits. These quantum bits work on the property of subatomic particles allowing them to exist in two states, one and zero, at the same time.

What Are The Features Of Quantum Computers Technology?

Higher Performance, Less Effort

Whereas in conventional personal computers the used bits function based on the physics principles, i.e. using switches able to exhibit the states 1 and 0. However, a Quantum Computer is operated under the laws of quantum mechanics, describing the atomic-level behavior of matter.

Consequently, the most significant implication is that quantum bits used in Quantum Computers stay in a superposition state because of their quantum nature. They can only take on one of their values once the computation is finished. This means that they have a high information density and can theoretically solve many mathematical problems much faster than today’s personal computers.

Results in Minutes, Not Millennia

Even though several experts guess that quantum technology will take another 10 to 15 years to be used on a large scale, some successes have already been achieved in the last few years.

So far, in 2019, Google has successfully developed a chip called Sycamore that will achieve “quantum supremacy “. That has known when a quantum computer solves a task that is almost impossible for even the largest conventional supercomputers.

Now, when we calculated that it would take approximately 10,000 years for a classical personal computer machine. Whereas the Sycamore chip only took 3 minutes and 20 s to do the job.

Nevertheless, we should mention one thing: the operating conditions under which quantum computers work are still far away from being suitable for daily use.

This is because the chips have to be cooled down to absolute zero, minus 273 degrees Celsius. Furthermore, insufficient shielding against vibrations and electromagnetic radiation can lead to calculation errors.

Morgan Stanley analysts, meanwhile, predict that the market of quantum computing will double to $10 billion a year by 2025. This could be just the beginning, as the technology is still in its infancy. In addition, the topic is a long-standing political issue.

So far, all quantum computers have been manufactured in the USA, but Germany and Chia are also looking to play a major part in the future of this technology.

This is why the German government is spending around 2 billion euros on research projects about quantum technology.

while Beijing and Washington want to make similar financial investments to assist developers in their own countries.

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